Catholic Women's League

CWL MEMBERSHIPS are due by the end of January. Please use the special envelope included with your offertory envelopes (or a plain envelope marked ‘CWL Dues’). New members are always welcome and needed. For more information on how to contact the CWL executive please call the parish office at 705-652-3231. Catholic Women’s League, meets in the Parish Hall at 1:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month, except the summer months of July and August.

Knights of Columbus

       St. Joseph’s Council, Douro [11486] was founded January 24th 1995. Supreme Council in New Haven, Connecticut wanted an increase in the number of councils in North America. Three Knight’s Jack Clancy, Bob Laflesche, and Bob Blakely conducted an information meeting on how to get a local council started. A deadline was established and a minimum of 30 members were required or local 11486 Douro would default. Twelve Knights from Peterborough and area locals transferred to 11486 Douro, leaving a need for eighteen new members to take the First Degree. On the night of the deadline, with the minimum number of members still not met, Paul Meade (not yet a Knight himself), told Father Ray Heffernan to wait up and he would be back with new memberships. Upon arriving at each new members house Paul would get referrals to other new potential members. When the charter was recognized as St. Joseph’s Council no. 11486, a total of thirty-eight members were signed. See Charter

Douro Doings

ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH OF DOURO WELCOMES YOU!. For latest info please click on view program to learn more. We have more awesome things happening in our parish.

In 1929 the “Social”, now referred to as the “Douro Doings” or “The Doings”, all began with   Fr. Michael J, McGuire who was the Parish Priest at the time. About 40 turkeys would be roasted and the event was held on the church grounds. Changes were made over the years especially after the building of the parish hall.   Douro, being a farming community the primary menu was changed over the years.  Now the main course provided is about 400 lbs of roast beef. Today, with about 3,000 people attending the over the weekend, there is baseball tournaments, a 10k run, a car show, children’s races, frog jumping contests and the ever popular the Tug of War. Along with enjoying a great “home-cooked” meal, everyone looks forward to winning a handmade quilt to sum up their Labour Day celebrations.